Do you require an experienced and compliant auditor?

With over 36 years of friendly professional service to the business community, you can place your trust in
AJS Business Audit & Compliance.

Why Choose Us

Your business, company and organisation are beyond a profit and loss statement or a balance sheet. This is why you can place your trust in auditors from AJS Business Audit and Compliance. We look at the bigger picture for your company and provide a complete service.

We have over 36 years of experience and our qualifications include Chartered Accountants, Fellow CPA Australia, Registered Company Auditors, Registered SMSF Auditors and Law Society Examiners. We have a depth of experience and excellence in this field, which is why we are highly regarded by our clients. We are a highly skilled Business Audit and Compliance company who are large enough to deliver extensive and high-quality audits. We deliver these high-quality services to companies of all sizes and not for profit entities.

At AJS, we don’t just deliver regulatory and compliance necessities for your company. When you engage with our services, we ensure that you will have the accessibility and mastery of a senior and profoundly qualified work force with a supportive, steady demeanour and an outright commitment to you as our client.


 At AJS, we can provide high-quality services in the following areas:


Planning, implementation and completion of audits/assurance/Corporate Governance engagements for clients as their Internal and external Lead Auditor with a team of two to four specialising in:

We also professionally offer:

  • Highly developed reporting abilities
  • Advanced technical competencies
  • Expertise in conducting ‘cost volume profit’ analysis
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Corporate governance, audit and best practise procedures